Buses to the city Katowice from cities Poland
- Krakow AirportKatowicefrom 20.90 PLN
- KrakowKatowicefrom 18.19 PLN
- WroclawKatowicefrom 10.45 PLN
- WarsawKatowicefrom 57.75 PLN
- LodzKatowicefrom 86.40 PLN
- PrzemyslKatowicefrom 64.90 PLN
- LublinKatowicefrom 94.16 PLN
- ZakopaneKatowicefrom 45.00 PLN
- Iwonicz ZdrojKatowicefrom 78.00 PLN
- KrosnoKatowicefrom 72.80 PLN
- RzeszowKatowicefrom 31.90 PLN
- Ostrowiec SwietokrzyskiKatowicefrom 45.00 PLN
- PolanczykKatowicefrom 83.20 PLN
- Krynica-ZdrojKatowicefrom 34.00 PLN
- OswiecimKatowicefrom 15.74 PLN
- KolobrzegKatowicefrom 187.20 PLN
- Nowy TargKatowicefrom 39.00 PLN
- OpatowKatowicefrom 67.41 PLN
- Katowice AirportKatowicefrom 25.73 PLN
- CzestochowaKatowicefrom 64.80 PLN
- Sucha BeskidzkaKatowicefrom 21.42 PLN
- PoznanKatowicefrom 110.00 PLN
- Nowy SaczKatowicefrom 27.00 PLN
- ZatorKatowicefrom 30.45 PLN
- Rymanow-ZdrojKatowicefrom 78.00 PLN
- RybnikKatowicefrom 26.00 PLN
- UstkaKatowicefrom 145.60 PLN
- Bielsko-BialaKatowicefrom 17.00 PLN
- ChojniceKatowicefrom 130.00 PLN
- GliwiceKatowicefrom 15.84 PLN
Buses to the city Katowice from cities Ukraine
- LvivKatowicefrom 66.52 PLN
- KyivKatowicefrom 111.87 PLN
- ZhytomyrKatowicefrom 99.76 PLN
- VinnytsiaKatowicefrom 16.39 PLN
- DniproKatowicefrom 260.69 PLN
- RivneKatowicefrom 87.00 PLN
- KhmelnytskyiKatowicefrom 97.37 PLN
- Ivano-FrankivskKatowicefrom 89.43 PLN
- TernopilKatowicefrom 80.39 PLN
- KharkivKatowicefrom 29.26 PLN
- VolodymyrKatowicefrom 117.95 PLN
- BerdychivKatowicefrom 136.90 PLN
- OdesaKatowicefrom 22.74 PLN
- Kryvyi RihKatowicefrom 195.41 PLN
- LutskKatowicefrom 92.37 PLN
Buses to the city Katowice from cities Czech Republic
- PragueKatowicefrom 94.87 PLN
- BrnoKatowicefrom 90.00 PLN
- LiberecKatowicefrom 132.71 PLN
- OstravaKatowicefrom 48.00 PLN
- Mlada BoleslavKatowicefrom 160.74 PLN
- PilsenKatowicefrom 145.95 PLN
- BohuminKatowicefrom 27.30 PLN
- Hradec KraloveKatowicefrom 133.52 PLN
- OlomoucKatowicefrom 90.00 PLN
- Karlovy VaryKatowicefrom 150.00 PLN
- PardubiceKatowicefrom 151.78 PLN
- Frydek-MistekKatowicefrom 80.00 PLN
- JihlavaKatowicefrom 84.00 PLN
- ZnojmoKatowicefrom 84.62 PLN
- PisekKatowicefrom 142.80 PLN
Katowice : about the city
- CountryPoland
- Square165 km2
- Locality307,233 people
- Time zoneUTC -11:00
- CurrencyPLN
Weather forecast for the week
Today Tuesday
Sky is clear
Average temperature: -3°
Probability of precipitation: 10%
Humidity: 54%
Wind: 2 m/s
-2° -5°
-1° -2°
0° -1°
1° 0°
2° 0°
3° 2°
5° 4°
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Katowice. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Katowice 593 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 00:40 and the last one at 23:59. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 6.30 to 1050.00 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 593 directions to Katowice valid for 18.02.2025.