Buses to the city Lodz from cities Poland
- WarsawLodzfrom 64.80 PLN
- KielceLodzfrom 31.46 PLN
- KatowiceLodzfrom 86.40 PLN
- LublinLodzfrom 56.16 PLN
- Warsaw Chopin AirportLodzfrom 37.00 PLN
- PoznanLodzfrom 64.80 PLN
- KrakowLodzfrom 86.40 PLN
- KonskieLodzfrom 36.40 PLN
- Krynica-ZdrojLodzfrom 124.80 PLN
- Ostrowiec SwietokrzyskiLodzfrom 49.22 PLN
- Piotrkow TrybunalskiLodzfrom 17.82 PLN
- Warsaw Modlin AirportLodzfrom 46.00 PLN
- ZakopaneLodzfrom 119.60 PLN
- RadomLodzfrom 41.60 PLN
- ZarnowLodzfrom 33.28 PLN
- PrzysuchaLodzfrom 37.44 PLN
- SulejowLodzfrom 29.12 PLN
- Skarzysko-KamiennaLodzfrom 37.45 PLN
- PrzemyslLodzfrom 102.41 PLN
- Busko-ZdrojLodzfrom 63.36 PLN
- RzeszowLodzfrom 64.90 PLN
- GdanskLodzfrom 129.60 PLN
- TurekLodzfrom 50.00 PLN
- StarachowiceLodzfrom 42.80 PLN
- UstkaLodzfrom 124.80 PLN
- MielecLodzfrom 53.90 PLN
- Nowy SaczLodzfrom 93.60 PLN
- WroclawLodzfrom 92.26 PLN
- KolobrzegLodzfrom 140.40 PLN
- SzczecinLodzfrom 76.00 PLN
Buses to the city Lodz from cities Ukraine
- LvivLodzfrom 16.14 PLN
- KyivLodzfrom 106.73 PLN
- ZhytomyrLodzfrom 101.25 PLN
- LutskLodzfrom 97.02 PLN
- VinnytsiaLodzfrom 17.19 PLN
- DniproLodzfrom 256.30 PLN
- KhmelnytskyiLodzfrom 15.03 PLN
- TernopilLodzfrom 16.14 PLN
- RivneLodzfrom 83.68 PLN
- ChernihivLodzfrom 143.64 PLN
- OdesaLodzfrom 19.30 PLN
- PoltavaLodzfrom 20.01 PLN
- KharkivLodzfrom 215.00 PLN
- Ivano-FrankivskLodzfrom 126.13 PLN
- ZaporizhzhiaLodzfrom 20.82 PLN
Buses to the city Lodz from cities Belarus
- MinskLodzfrom 194.08 PLN
- BrestLodzfrom 192.69 PLN
- GrodnoLodzfrom 132.60 PLN
- BaranovichiLodzfrom 220.00 PLN
- PinskLodzfrom 151.65 PLN
- LidaLodzfrom 150.96 PLN
- GomelLodzfrom 240.00 PLN
- MogilevLodzfrom 300.00 PLN
Lodz : about the city
- CountryPoland
- Square294 km2
- Locality725,055 people
- Time zoneUTC -11:00
- CurrencyPLN
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Lodz. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Lodz 512 intercity buses. They are distributed over 2 bus stations. The first bus departs at 00:00 and the last one at 23:59. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 5.00 to 805.80 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 512 directions to Lodz valid for 23.03.2025.