Buses to the city Gdansk from cities Poland
- WarsawGdanskfrom 85.60 PLN
- LublinGdanskfrom 146.59 PLN
- KrakowGdanskfrom 140.40 PLN
- LomzaGdanskfrom 101.72 PLN
- LodzGdanskfrom 129.60 PLN
- OstrolekaGdanskfrom 91.86 PLN
- KatowiceGdanskfrom 140.40 PLN
- BialystokGdanskfrom 253.98 PLN
- WroclawGdanskfrom 80.00 PLN
- ElblagGdanskfrom 13.91 PLN
- SzczytnoGdanskfrom 48.30 PLN
- WladyslawowoGdanskfrom 19.26 PLN
- OlsztynGdanskfrom 45.15 PLN
- PaslekGdanskfrom 35.31 PLN
- TorunGdanskfrom 118.80 PLN
- PlonskGdanskfrom 69.55 PLN
- MlawaGdanskfrom 59.92 PLN
- BydgoszczGdanskfrom 4.42 PLN
- Nowy Dwor GdanskiGdanskfrom 19.80 PLN
- SlupskGdanskfrom 31.20 PLN
- BartoszytseGdanskfrom 46.35 PLN
- OstrodaGdanskfrom 71.40 PLN
- GrudziadzGdanskfrom 65.00 PLN
- CiechocinekGdanskfrom 36.75 PLN
- Lidzbark WarminskiGdanskfrom 41.20 PLN
- LebaGdanskfrom 75.60 PLN
- LeborkGdanskfrom 26.00 PLN
- GdanskGdanskfrom 11.55 PLN
- KoszalinGdanskfrom 85.00 PLN
- UstkaGdanskfrom 46.80 PLN
Buses to the city Gdansk from cities Belarus
- MinskGdanskfrom 238.23 PLN
- GrodnoGdanskfrom 255.00 PLN
- BrestGdanskfrom 250.00 PLN
- LidaGdanskfrom 285.60 PLN
- BaranovichiGdanskfrom 270.00 PLN
- AshmyanyGdanskfrom 413.10 PLN
Buses to the city Gdansk from cities Russia
- KaliningradGdanskfrom 170.00 PLN
Gdansk : about the city
- CountryPoland
- Square262 km2
- Locality461,489 people
- Time zoneUTC -11:00
- CurrencyPLN
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Gdansk. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Gdansk 317 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 00:01 and the last one at 23:59. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 5.15 to 816.00 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 317 directions to Gdansk valid for 07.02.2025.