Buses to the city Ternopil from cities Ukraine
- LvivTernopilfrom 19.40 PLN
- KyivTernopilfrom 5.06 PLN
- Kamianets-PodilskyiTernopilfrom 18.27 PLN
- Ivano-FrankivskTernopilfrom 15.57 PLN
- ChortkivTernopilfrom 10.25 PLN
- TernopilTernopilfrom 14.40 PLN
- OdesaTernopilfrom 72.91 PLN
- TorunTernopilfrom 140.00 PLN
- ChernivtsiTernopilfrom 27.03 PLN
- PochaivTernopilfrom 14.61 PLN
- KremenetsTernopilfrom 12.33 PLN
- RivneTernopilfrom 18.99 PLN
- BukovelTernopilfrom 33.26 PLN
- LutskTernopilfrom 24.05 PLN
- TruskavetsTernopilfrom 36.18 PLN
- ZhytomyrTernopilfrom 45.04 PLN
- Kryvyi RihTernopilfrom 131.89 PLN
- KovelTernopilfrom 40.40 PLN
- KhmelnytskyiTernopilfrom 10.49 PLN
- KhersonTernopilfrom 179.20 PLN
- VinnytsiaTernopilfrom 27.69 PLN
- YaremcheTernopilfrom 32.15 PLN
- BrodyTernopilfrom 9.40 PLN
- UmanTernopilfrom 32.94 PLN
- MykolaivTernopilfrom 112.02 PLN
- KolomyiaTernopilfrom 51.75 PLN
- ZaporizhzhiaTernopilfrom 150.60 PLN
- BuchachTernopilfrom 7.87 PLN
- TerebovliaTernopilfrom 5.14 PLN
- MonastyryskaTernopilfrom 11.71 PLN
Buses to the city Ternopil from cities Poland
- WarsawTernopilfrom 80.00 PLN
- WroclawTernopilfrom 15.47 PLN
- KrakowTernopilfrom 12.42 PLN
- KatowiceTernopilfrom 13.45 PLN
- PoznanTernopilfrom 20.61 PLN
- LublinTernopilfrom 75.00 PLN
- LodzTernopilfrom 16.14 PLN
- OpoleTernopilfrom 13.80 PLN
- GdanskTernopilfrom 10.35 PLN
- RzeszowTernopilfrom 72.32 PLN
- Zielona GoraTernopilfrom 145.54 PLN
- SzczecinTernopilfrom 17.80 PLN
- PrzemyslTernopilfrom 122.00 PLN
- RadomTernopilfrom 101.78 PLN
- BydgoszczTernopilfrom 10.49 PLN
Buses to the city Ternopil from cities Germany
- BerlinTernopilfrom 290.75 PLN
- NurembergTernopilfrom 319.00 PLN
- DusseldorfTernopilfrom 350.00 PLN
- MunichTernopilfrom 435.00 PLN
- MannheimTernopilfrom 482.46 PLN
- Baden-BadenTernopilfrom 275.00 PLN
- Frankfurt am MainTernopilfrom 365.00 PLN
- LeipzigTernopilfrom 467.00 PLN
- DresdenTernopilfrom 487.14 PLN
- CologneTernopilfrom 400.23 PLN
- StuttgartTernopilfrom 346.60 PLN
- KarlsruheTernopilfrom 420.97 PLN
- AachenTernopilfrom 443.70 PLN
- PforzheimTernopilfrom 324.27 PLN
- HamburgTernopilfrom 481.44 PLN
Ternopil : about the city
- CountryUkraine
- Square72 km2
- Locality217,950 people
- Time zoneUTC +02:00
- CurrencyUAH
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Ternopil. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Ternopil 332 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 00:35 and the last one at 22:50. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 3.04 to 1072.21 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 332 directions to Ternopil valid for 23.03.2025.