Buses to the city Starokostiantyniv from cities Ukraine
- KyivStarokostiantynivfrom 60.17 PLN
- KhmelnytskyiStarokostiantynivfrom 7.64 PLN
- ShepetivkaStarokostiantynivfrom 8.09 PLN
- ChernivtsiStarokostiantynivfrom 29.47 PLN
- ZhytomyrStarokostiantynivfrom 19.84 PLN
- LutskStarokostiantynivfrom 39.71 PLN
- RivneStarokostiantynivfrom 25.00 PLN
- VinnytsiaStarokostiantynivfrom 15.16 PLN
Buses to the city Starokostiantyniv from cities Poland
- WarsawStarokostiantynivfrom 95.08 PLN
- LublinStarokostiantynivfrom 95.87 PLN
- WroclawStarokostiantynivfrom 145.53 PLN
- LodzStarokostiantynivfrom 144.79 PLN
- PoznanStarokostiantynivfrom 158.29 PLN
- KrakowStarokostiantynivfrom 150.00 PLN
- GdanskStarokostiantynivfrom 159.04 PLN
- Zielona GoraStarokostiantynivfrom 201.53 PLN
- Gorzow WielkopolskiStarokostiantynivfrom 217.27 PLN
- KatowiceStarokostiantynivfrom 173.12 PLN
- RadomStarokostiantynivfrom 146.95 PLN
- LowiczStarokostiantynivfrom 165.11 PLN
- SzczecinStarokostiantynivfrom 254.86 PLN
- ChelmStarokostiantynivfrom 138.92 PLN
- GlownoStarokostiantynivfrom 172.75 PLN
Buses to the city Starokostiantyniv from cities Russia
- MoscowStarokostiantynivfrom 152.84 PLN
Starokostiantyniv : about the city
- CountryUkraine
- Time zoneUTC +02:00
- CurrencyUAH
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Starokostiantyniv. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Starokostiantyniv 44 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 05:40 and the last one at 19:30. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 3.52 to 132.60 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 44 directions to Starokostiantyniv valid for 16.03.2025.