Buses to the city Starachowice from cities Poland
- WarsawStarachowicefrom 46.01 PLN
- KielceStarachowicefrom 17.12 PLN
- RadomStarachowicefrom 16.05 PLN
- KrakowStarachowicefrom 25.00 PLN
- LublinStarachowicefrom 31.00 PLN
- KatowiceStarachowicefrom 40.00 PLN
- Ostrowiec SwietokrzyskiStarachowicefrom 5.35 PLN
- Skarzysko-KamiennaStarachowicefrom 7.49 PLN
- LodzStarachowicefrom 42.80 PLN
- SandomierzStarachowicefrom 19.26 PLN
- BialobrzegiStarachowicefrom 21.40 PLN
- Piotrkow TrybunalskiStarachowicefrom 31.50 PLN
- GrojecStarachowicefrom 28.89 PLN
- KonskieStarachowicefrom 17.12 PLN
- WachockStarachowicefrom 5.35 PLN
- Stalowa WolaStarachowicefrom 23.10 PLN
- OpatowStarachowicefrom 14.98 PLN
- StaporkowStarachowicefrom 17.12 PLN
- GorzyceStarachowicefrom 21.40 PLN
Buses to the city Starachowice from cities Germany
- DusseldorfStarachowicefrom 387.60 PLN
- BerlinStarachowicefrom 260.10 PLN
- CologneStarachowicefrom 220.51 PLN
- HamburgStarachowicefrom 331.50 PLN
- Frankfurt am MainStarachowicefrom 331.50 PLN
- StuttgartStarachowicefrom 268.26 PLN
- NurembergStarachowicefrom 227.96 PLN
- BonnStarachowicefrom 331.50 PLN
- KielStarachowicefrom 258.06 PLN
Buses to the city Starachowice from cities Italy
- FlorenceStarachowicefrom 267.01 PLN
- RomeStarachowicefrom 384.82 PLN
- BolognaStarachowicefrom 245.30 PLN
- CosenzaStarachowicefrom 424.52 PLN
- CasertaStarachowicefrom 314.16 PLN
- AnconaStarachowicefrom 504.90 PLN
- CesenaStarachowicefrom 241.55 PLN
- BolzanoStarachowicefrom 448.80 PLN
Starachowice : about the city
- CountryPoland
- Square31.9 km2
- Locality51,532 people
- Time zoneUTC -11:00
- CurrencyPLN
Weather forecast for the week
Today Friday
Rain and snow
Average temperature: +4°
Probability of precipitation: 100%
Humidity: 57%
Wind: 7 m/s
6° 2°
4° 0°
5° 2°
1° -2°
2° 0°
5° 2°
8° 4°
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Starachowice. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Starachowice 43 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 00:32 and the last one at 20:27. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 5.25 to 550.00 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 43 directions to Starachowice valid for 14.03.2025.