Buses to the city Sofia from cities Bulgaria
- BurgasSofiafrom 77.23 PLN
- PlovdivSofiafrom 37.51 PLN
- VarnaSofiafrom 79.59 PLN
- Solnechnyy beregSofiafrom 92.39 PLN
- BanskoSofiafrom 47.92 PLN
- RuseSofiafrom 70.22 PLN
- SozopolSofiafrom 90.08 PLN
- DobrinishteSofiafrom 50.51 PLN
- Veliko-TyrnovoSofiafrom 52.61 PLN
- KardzaliSofiafrom 36.82 PLN
- HaskovoSofiafrom 51.24 PLN
- Stara ZagoraSofiafrom 38.17 PLN
- YambolSofiafrom 78.83 PLN
- KyustendilSofiafrom 15.81 PLN
- Gotse DelchevSofiafrom 52.98 PLN
- Sveti VlasSofiafrom 92.01 PLN
- AheloySofiafrom 87.93 PLN
- PlevenSofiafrom 44.60 PLN
- TroyanSofiafrom 42.00 PLN
- SandanskiSofiafrom 40.31 PLN
- SvishtovSofiafrom 42.29 PLN
- DupnitsaSofiafrom 14.19 PLN
- ChirpanSofiafrom 38.71 PLN
- TargovishteSofiafrom 62.93 PLN
- GabrovoSofiafrom 40.72 PLN
- ShumenSofiafrom 67.90 PLN
- PazardzhikSofiafrom 26.25 PLN
- RavdaSofiafrom 60.00 PLN
Buses to the city Sofia from cities Poland
- WarsawSofiafrom 395.90 PLN
- KrakowSofiafrom 331.70 PLN
- KatowiceSofiafrom 363.80 PLN
- LodzSofiafrom 421.88 PLN
- CzestochowaSofiafrom 363.80 PLN
- Piotrkow TrybunalskiSofiafrom 385.20 PLN
Buses to the city Sofia from cities Greece
- ThessalonikiSofiafrom 42.23 PLN
- AthensSofiafrom 257.07 PLN
- KavalaSofiafrom 126.32 PLN
- LarissaSofiafrom 174.83 PLN
Sofia : about the city
- CountryBulgaria
- Square492 km2
- Locality1,291,895 people
- CurrencyBGN
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Sofia. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Sofia 78 intercity buses. The first bus departs at 00:00 and the last one at 23:59. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 6.91 to 2262.96 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 78 directions to Sofia valid for 25.03.2025.