Buses to the city Ostroda from cities Poland
- WarsawOstrodafrom 35.80 PLN
- Gdansk AirportOstrodafrom 100.58 PLN
- GdanskOstrodafrom 74.90 PLN
- PlonskOstrodafrom 35.80 PLN
- OlsztynOstrodafrom 13.77 PLN
- ZurominOstrodafrom 21.00 PLN
- ElblagOstrodafrom 21.40 PLN
- LublinOstrodafrom 107.00 PLN
- PaslekOstrodafrom 25.68 PLN
- RaciazOstrodafrom 27.30 PLN
- MlawaOstrodafrom 23.54 PLN
- SopotOstrodafrom 32.55 PLN
- BaboszewoOstrodafrom 31.00 PLN
- GdyniaOstrodafrom 35.70 PLN
Buses to the city Ostroda from cities Ukraine
- LvivOstrodafrom 107.90 PLN
- KyivOstrodafrom 178.44 PLN
- TernopilOstrodafrom 142.79 PLN
- VinnytsiaOstrodafrom 148.20 PLN
- UmanOstrodafrom 153.00 PLN
- RivneOstrodafrom 104.24 PLN
- Ivano-FrankivskOstrodafrom 160.77 PLN
- ZhytomyrOstrodafrom 200.16 PLN
- LutskOstrodafrom 144.14 PLN
- KalushOstrodafrom 140.00 PLN
- StryiOstrodafrom 121.61 PLN
- PoltavaOstrodafrom 223.59 PLN
- KropyvnytskyiOstrodafrom 250.56 PLN
- KhmelnytskyiOstrodafrom 165.54 PLN
- HaisynOstrodafrom 199.31 PLN
Buses to the city Ostroda from cities Germany
- HamburgOstrodafrom 398.82 PLN
- BerlinOstrodafrom 314.00 PLN
- DuisburgOstrodafrom 268.26 PLN
- HannoverOstrodafrom 353.94 PLN
- HammOstrodafrom 199.00 PLN
- DusseldorfOstrodafrom 320.28 PLN
- DortmundOstrodafrom 139.00 PLN
- BochumOstrodafrom 387.60 PLN
- MunichOstrodafrom 387.60 PLN
- LeverkusenOstrodafrom 200.94 PLN
- EssenOstrodafrom 309.06 PLN
- MunsterOstrodafrom 297.84 PLN
- LeerOstrodafrom 268.26 PLN
- FlensburgOstrodafrom 246.40 PLN
- KielOstrodafrom 233.20 PLN
Ostroda : about the city
- CountryPoland
- CurrencyPLN
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Ostroda. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Ostroda 64 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 02:10 and the last one at 22:40. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 17.85 to 290.70 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 64 directions to Ostroda valid for 16.03.2025.