Buses to the city Mogilev from cities Belarus
- MinskMogilevfrom 40.66 PLN
- GomelMogilevfrom 18.00 PLN
- BrestMogilevfrom 16.48 PLN
- VitebskMogilevfrom 21.58 PLN
- BobruiskMogilevfrom 14.98 PLN
- BelynichiMogilevfrom 6.24 PLN
- KlimovichiMogilevfrom 20.58 PLN
- GorkiMogilevfrom 13.23 PLN
- KrichevMogilevfrom 13.84 PLN
- BorisovMogilevfrom 29.96 PLN
- DribinMogilevfrom 9.22 PLN
Buses to the city Mogilev from cities Poland
- WarsawMogilevfrom 220.00 PLN
- PoznanMogilevfrom 301.77 PLN
- LodzMogilevfrom 300.00 PLN
- SzczecinMogilevfrom 560.00 PLN
- BialystokMogilevfrom 205.00 PLN
Buses to the city Mogilev from cities Ukraine
- KyivMogilevfrom 77.15 PLN
- DniproMogilevfrom 165.85 PLN
- OdesaMogilevfrom 197.95 PLN
- UmanMogilevfrom 165.85 PLN
- ZaporizhzhiaMogilevfrom 192.60 PLN
- MykolaivMogilevfrom 140.17 PLN
- KharkivMogilevfrom 155.15 PLN
Mogilev : about the city
- CountryBelarus
- Square119 km2
- Locality374,644 people
- Time zoneUTC +03:00
- CurrencyBYR
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Mogilev. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Mogilev 28 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 06:30 and the last one at 22:20. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 10.89 to 115.32 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 28 directions to Mogilev valid for 28.03.2025.