Buses to the city Minsk from cities Belarus
- BrestMinskfrom 51.36 PLN
- GrodnoMinskfrom 42.80 PLN
- MinskMinskfrom 0.99 PLN
- GomelMinskfrom 48.54 PLN
- MogilevMinskfrom 40.66 PLN
- SoligorskMinskfrom 13.13 PLN
- SvetlogorskMinskfrom 17.40 PLN
- LidaMinskfrom 26.75 PLN
- VitebskMinskfrom 24.72 PLN
- BaranovichiMinskfrom 51.36 PLN
- PinskMinskfrom 34.78 PLN
- NesvizhMinskfrom 22.68 PLN
- LepelMinskfrom 15.84 PLN
- PolotskMinskfrom 23.52 PLN
- MolodechnoMinskfrom 12.17 PLN
- MirMinskfrom 15.09 PLN
- BobruiskMinskfrom 22.89 PLN
- NovogrudokMinskfrom 22.91 PLN
- VileikaMinskfrom 10.48 PLN
- BorisovMinskfrom 8.18 PLN
- OrshaMinskfrom 23.22 PLN
- VolkovyskMinskfrom 31.69 PLN
- RechitsaMinskfrom 24.67 PLN
- NarochMinskfrom 23.33 PLN
- NovopolotskMinskfrom 24.67 PLN
- MozyrMinskfrom 20.69 PLN
- RogachevMinskfrom 22.38 PLN
- KobrinMinskfrom 26.55 PLN
- BraslavMinskfrom 52.91 PLN
- AshmyanyMinskfrom 51.68 PLN
Buses to the city Minsk from cities Poland
- WarsawMinskfrom 139.10 PLN
- GdanskMinskfrom 257.38 PLN
- BialystokMinskfrom 295.38 PLN
- WroclawMinskfrom 274.78 PLN
- PoznanMinskfrom 201.62 PLN
- KrakowMinskfrom 245.10 PLN
- LodzMinskfrom 193.04 PLN
- KatowiceMinskfrom 248.80 PLN
- OlsztynMinskfrom 419.00 PLN
- LublinMinskfrom 191.43 PLN
- Warsaw Chopin AirportMinskfrom 180.17 PLN
- Biala PodlaskaMinskfrom 95.00 PLN
- ElblagMinskfrom 448.00 PLN
- Warsaw Modlin AirportMinskfrom 216.46 PLN
- KielceMinskfrom 255.00 PLN
Buses to the city Minsk from cities Lithuania
- VilniusMinskfrom 178.69 PLN
- Vilnius Airport VNOMinskfrom 178.69 PLN
- Kaunas Airport KUNMinskfrom 240.30 PLN
- KaunoMinskfrom 240.56 PLN
- MarijampoleMinskfrom 153.01 PLN
- AlytusMinskfrom 306.02 PLN
- PanevezysMinskfrom 156.58 PLN
- KlaipedaMinskfrom 224.49 PLN
- VievisMinskfrom 214.47 PLN
- SiauliaiMinskfrom 165.46 PLN
Minsk : about the city
- CountryBelarus
- Square410 km2
- Locality1,921,807 people
- Time zoneUTC -11:00
- CurrencyBYR
Weather forecast for the week
Today Thursday
Light rain
Average temperature: +6°
Probability of precipitation: 99%
Humidity: 72%
Wind: 4 m/s
6° 5°
9° 6°
10° 6°
10° 9°
8° 7°
10° 9°
10° 8°
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Minsk. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Minsk 169 intercity buses. They are distributed over 2 bus stations. The first bus departs at 00:10 and the last one at 23:30. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 5.69 to 256.06 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 169 directions to Minsk valid for 27.03.2025.