Buses to the city Legionowo from cities Poland
- WarsawLegionowofrom 13.91 PLN
- OstrolekaLegionowofrom 28.89 PLN
- PultuskLegionowofrom 17.12 PLN
- Makow MazowieckiLegionowofrom 21.40 PLN
- SerockLegionowofrom 14.98 PLN
- ZegrzeLegionowofrom 9.63 PLN
- RozanLegionowofrom 23.54 PLN
- PrzasnyszLegionowofrom 24.61 PLN
- SzczytnoLegionowofrom 49.22 PLN
- OlsztynLegionowofrom 58.85 PLN
- BiskupiecLegionowofrom 53.50 PLN
- MragowoLegionowofrom 51.36 PLN
- GizyckoLegionowofrom 58.85 PLN
- MikolajkiLegionowofrom 48.15 PLN
- KadzidloLegionowofrom 36.38 PLN
- KetrzynLegionowofrom 64.20 PLN
- ChorzeleLegionowofrom 37.45 PLN
- PasymLegionowofrom 53.50 PLN
- Ruciane-NidaLegionowofrom 48.15 PLN
- Stary SzelkowLegionowofrom 18.19 PLN
- PieckiLegionowofrom 53.50 PLN
- Zegrze PoludnioweLegionowofrom 8.56 PLN
- RozogiLegionowofrom 44.94 PLN
- MyszyniecLegionowofrom 38.52 PLN
- SpychowoLegionowofrom 42.80 PLN
- NawiadyLegionowofrom 40.66 PLN
- LasLegionowofrom 14.98 PLN
- KrasiniecLegionowofrom 23.54 PLN
Legionowo : about the city
- CountryPoland
- CurrencyPLN
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Legionowo. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Legionowo 28 intercity buses. The first bus departs at 06:55 and the last one at 20:40. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 4.20 to 47.25 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 28 directions to Legionowo valid for 28.03.2025.