Buses to the city Labowa from cities Poland
- Nowy SaczLabowafrom 8.32 PLN
- KrakowLabowafrom 36.72 PLN
- LublinLabowafrom 111.28 PLN
- TarnowLabowafrom 28.89 PLN
- Krynica-ZdrojLabowafrom 8.32 PLN
- LodzLabowafrom 104.00 PLN
- KielceLabowafrom 62.40 PLN
- WarsawLabowafrom 102.72 PLN
- Piotrkow TrybunalskiLabowafrom 88.40 PLN
- Radomysl WielkiLabowafrom 28.89 PLN
- Dabrowa TarnowskaLabowafrom 25.68 PLN
- SandomierzLabowafrom 90.20 PLN
- MielecLabowafrom 30.90 PLN
- RoztokaLabowafrom 20.80 PLN
- KonskieLabowafrom 67.60 PLN
Labowa : about the city
- CountryPoland
- CurrencyPLN
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Labowa. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Labowa 15 intercity buses. The first bus departs at 08:45 and the last one at 15:07. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 5.00 to 75.00 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 15 directions to Labowa valid for 24.03.2025.