Buses to the city Kolbuszowa from cities Poland
- WarsawKolbuszowafrom 53.90 PLN
- KrakowKolbuszowafrom 20.50 PLN
- RzeszowKolbuszowafrom 14.03 PLN
- LodzKolbuszowafrom 64.90 PLN
- Warsaw Chopin AirportKolbuszowafrom 70.72 PLN
- KielceKolbuszowafrom 60.61 PLN
- MielecKolbuszowafrom 16.83 PLN
- KrosnoKolbuszowafrom 34.65 PLN
- LeskoKolbuszowafrom 57.20 PLN
- PolanczykKolbuszowafrom 60.61 PLN
- TarnobrzegKolbuszowafrom 15.84 PLN
- RadomKolbuszowafrom 44.72 PLN
- StaszowKolbuszowafrom 45.10 PLN
- SanokKolbuszowafrom 42.85 PLN
- PrzemyslKolbuszowafrom 33.44 PLN
- Busko-ZdrojKolbuszowafrom 60.61 PLN
- MedykaKolbuszowafrom 38.50 PLN
- Nowa DebaKolbuszowafrom 10.56 PLN
- Rymanow-ZdrojKolbuszowafrom 50.60 PLN
- Iwonicz ZdrojKolbuszowafrom 48.07 PLN
- OpatowKolbuszowafrom 41.60 PLN
- Ostrowiec SwietokrzyskiKolbuszowafrom 40.04 PLN
- BoguchwalaKolbuszowafrom 20.24 PLN
- RymanowKolbuszowafrom 38.50 PLN
- Sekocin LasKolbuszowafrom 71.50 PLN
- PolaniecKolbuszowafrom 31.90 PLN
- Piotrkow TrybunalskiKolbuszowafrom 82.50 PLN
- ZagorzKolbuszowafrom 44.00 PLN
Buses to the city Kolbuszowa from cities France
- ParisKolbuszowafrom 466.14 PLN
Kolbuszowa : about the city
- CountryPoland
- Square7.94 km2
- Locality9,510 people
- CurrencyPLN
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Kolbuszowa. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Kolbuszowa 29 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 01:55 and the last one at 23:22. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 7.05 to 430.00 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 29 directions to Kolbuszowa valid for 23.03.2025.