Buses to the city Khust from cities Ukraine
- LvivKhustfrom 72.43 PLN
- TernopilKhustfrom 61.87 PLN
- MukachevoKhustfrom 10.38 PLN
- ChernivtsiKhustfrom 43.64 PLN
- KyivKhustfrom 94.84 PLN
- UzhhorodKhustfrom 17.63 PLN
- BurshtynKhustfrom 22.20 PLN
- VynohradivKhustfrom 5.45 PLN
- OdesaKhustfrom 103.30 PLN
- Ivano-FrankivskKhustfrom 47.99 PLN
- SolotvynoKhustfrom 11.52 PLN
- MizhhiryaKhustfrom 7.76 PLN
- KalushKhustfrom 28.56 PLN
- DolynaKhustfrom 19.60 PLN
- BerehoveKhustfrom 13.44 PLN
- KhmelnytskyiKhustfrom 70.34 PLN
- SvaliavaKhustfrom 10.29 PLN
- KolomyiaKhustfrom 42.35 PLN
- YaremcheKhustfrom 31.27 PLN
- VinnytsiaKhustfrom 68.13 PLN
- YasiniaKhustfrom 24.61 PLN
- TiachivKhustfrom 3.98 PLN
- RakhivKhustfrom 13.88 PLN
- ZhytomyrKhustfrom 119.69 PLN
Buses to the city Khust from cities Poland
- WarsawKhustfrom 146.15 PLN
- WroclawKhustfrom 224.59 PLN
- KrakowKhustfrom 173.86 PLN
- PoznanKhustfrom 286.19 PLN
- LublinKhustfrom 135.92 PLN
- LodzKhustfrom 231.69 PLN
- OpoleKhustfrom 197.59 PLN
- KielceKhustfrom 168.71 PLN
- KatowiceKhustfrom 293.64 PLN
- SzczecinKhustfrom 251.50 PLN
- Zielona GoraKhustfrom 245.02 PLN
- GdyniaKhustfrom 230.31 PLN
- GdanskKhustfrom 240.93 PLN
- Gorzow WielkopolskiKhustfrom 277.59 PLN
- Bielsko-BialaKhustfrom 139.83 PLN
Buses to the city Khust from cities Slovakia
- KosiceKhustfrom 74.36 PLN
- BratislavaKhustfrom 164.02 PLN
- PresovKhustfrom 69.30 PLN
Khust : about the city
- CountryUkraine
- Square8 km2
- Locality31,812 people
- Time zoneUTC +02:00
- CurrencyUAH
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Khust. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Khust 56 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 02:20 and the last one at 22:30. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 4.25 to 317.34 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 56 directions to Khust valid for 20.03.2025.