Buses to the city Inowroclaw from cities Poland
- WarsawInowroclawfrom 66.34 PLN
- WloclawekInowroclawfrom 32.10 PLN
- SochaczewInowroclawfrom 30.45 PLN
- TorunInowroclawfrom 11.77 PLN
- CiechocinekInowroclawfrom 23.54 PLN
- KruszwicaInowroclawfrom 5.35 PLN
- GostyninInowroclawfrom 30.45 PLN
- BydgoszczInowroclawfrom 30.00 PLN
Buses to the city Inowroclaw from cities Ukraine
- LvivInowroclawfrom 173.18 PLN
- VinnytsiaInowroclawfrom 138.38 PLN
- TernopilInowroclawfrom 135.00 PLN
- KyivInowroclawfrom 224.87 PLN
- KhmelnytskyiInowroclawfrom 135.00 PLN
- KharkivInowroclawfrom 200.00 PLN
- ZhytomyrInowroclawfrom 225.14 PLN
- PoltavaInowroclawfrom 194.94 PLN
- DubnoInowroclawfrom 153.53 PLN
- RivneInowroclawfrom 155.00 PLN
- Kryvyi RihInowroclawfrom 190.55 PLN
- YuzhnoukrainskInowroclawfrom 203.94 PLN
- VoznesenskInowroclawfrom 282.96 PLN
Buses to the city Inowroclaw from cities United Kingdom
- LondonInowroclawfrom 357.00 PLN
Inowroclaw : about the city
- CountryPoland
- CurrencyPLN
Weather forecast for the week
Today Sunday
Rain and snow
Average temperature: +4°
Probability of precipitation: 5%
Humidity: 56%
Wind: 8 m/s
6° 1°
3° -1°
4° 0°
7° 2°
8° 5°
9° 8°
11° 8°
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Inowroclaw. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Inowroclaw 34 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 02:00 and the last one at 18:05. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 120.00 to 520.00 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 34 directions to Inowroclaw valid for 16.03.2025.