Buses to the city Innsbruck from cities Poland
- KrakowInnsbruckfrom 351.90 PLN
- WarsawInnsbruckfrom 279.00 PLN
- KatowiceInnsbruckfrom 331.50 PLN
- WroclawInnsbruckfrom 269.00 PLN
- LublinInnsbruckfrom 274.38 PLN
- PrzemyslInnsbruckfrom 320.00 PLN
- Bielsko-BialaInnsbruckfrom 370.00 PLN
- LodzInnsbruckfrom 365.00 PLN
- CzestochowaInnsbruckfrom 351.90 PLN
- TarnowInnsbruckfrom 294.78 PLN
- KielceInnsbruckfrom 321.30 PLN
- PoznanInnsbruckfrom 264.18 PLN
- TychyInnsbruckfrom 372.30 PLN
- RzeszowInnsbruckfrom 331.50 PLN
- GliwiceInnsbruckfrom 321.30 PLN
Buses to the city Innsbruck from cities Italy
- BergamoInnsbruckfrom 199.00 PLN
- BolzanoInnsbruckfrom 199.00 PLN
- BresciaInnsbruckfrom 199.00 PLN
Innsbruck : about the city
- CountryAustria
- Square105 km2
- CurrencyEuro
Weather forecast for the week
Average temperature:
Probability of precipitation:
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Innsbruck. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Innsbruck 62 intercity buses. The first bus departs at 04:55 and the last one at 22:00. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 35.44 to 500.82 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 62 directions to Innsbruck valid for 25.03.2025.