Buses to the city Dolyna from cities Ukraine
- LvivDolynafrom 21.50 PLN
- Ivano-FrankivskDolynafrom 7.41 PLN
- KhmelnytskyiDolynafrom 63.13 PLN
- TernopilDolynafrom 23.85 PLN
- ZhytomyrDolynafrom 74.57 PLN
- RohatynDolynafrom 11.52 PLN
- MizhhiryaDolynafrom 12.03 PLN
- VyshkivDolynafrom 4.24 PLN
- BurshtynDolynafrom 10.37 PLN
- KhustDolynafrom 20.15 PLN
- MukachevoDolynafrom 40.46 PLN
Buses to the city Dolyna from cities Poland
- WarsawDolynafrom 80.00 PLN
- WroclawDolynafrom 108.68 PLN
- KrakowDolynafrom 87.43 PLN
- LodzDolynafrom 115.00 PLN
- OpoleDolynafrom 115.93 PLN
- RzeszowDolynafrom 80.99 PLN
- KatowiceDolynafrom 77.62 PLN
- PoznanDolynafrom 126.69 PLN
- LublinDolynafrom 62.73 PLN
- SzczecinDolynafrom 182.63 PLN
- GdanskDolynafrom 130.64 PLN
- RadomDolynafrom 83.12 PLN
- WloclawekDolynafrom 161.89 PLN
- PrzemyslDolynafrom 122.50 PLN
- KutnoDolynafrom 163.23 PLN
Buses to the city Dolyna from cities Czech Republic
- PragueDolynafrom 132.75 PLN
- BrnoDolynafrom 180.45 PLN
- LounyDolynafrom 171.10 PLN
- Mlada BoleslavDolynafrom 173.48 PLN
Dolyna : about the city
- CountryUkraine
- Locality20,900 people
- Time zoneUTC +02:00
- CurrencyUAH
Weather forecast for the week
Today Saturday
Rain and snow
Average temperature: +6°
Probability of precipitation: 100%
Humidity: 99%
Wind: 5 m/s
1° 0°
1° 0°
-1° -8°
-1° -5°
2° -1°
6° 0°
9° 5°
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Dolyna. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Dolyna 77 intercity buses. They are distributed over 1 bus stations. The first bus departs at 06:00 and the last one at 21:10. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 3.04 to 234.26 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 77 directions to Dolyna valid for 15.03.2025.