Buses to the city Bari from cities Italy
- RomeBarifrom 123.96 PLN
- NeapolBarifrom 104.23 PLN
- FlorenceBarifrom 324.65 PLN
- MilanBarifrom 93.82 PLN
- MateraBarifrom 15.14 PLN
- CosenzaBarifrom 154.80 PLN
- ParmaBarifrom 171.10 PLN
Buses to the city Bari from cities Poland
- WroclawBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- KatowiceBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- WarsawBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- KrakowBarifrom 459.00 PLN
- LodzBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- LegnicaBarifrom 459.00 PLN
- LublinBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- GdanskBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- KielceBarifrom 459.00 PLN
- PoznanBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- GliwiceBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- BialystokBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- RzeszowBarifrom 459.00 PLN
- ZamoscBarifrom 510.00 PLN
- SzczecinBarifrom 561.00 PLN
Buses to the city Bari from cities Ukraine
- OdesaBarifrom 488.75 PLN
- LvivBarifrom 283.06 PLN
- KyivBarifrom 479.92 PLN
- Ivano-FrankivskBarifrom 680.33 PLN
- LutskBarifrom 449.01 PLN
- UmanBarifrom 351.00 PLN
- VinnytsiaBarifrom 388.75 PLN
- StryiBarifrom 302.11 PLN
- KolomyiaBarifrom 324.36 PLN
- ZhytomyrBarifrom 388.88 PLN
Bari : about the city
- CountryItaly
- Square116 km2
- Locality320,475 people
- Time zoneUTC +01:00
- CurrencyEUR
Weather forecast for the week
Today Thursday
Sky is clear
Average temperature: +7°
Probability of precipitation: 0%
Humidity: 45%
Wind: 5 m/s
13° 10°
15° 12°
17° 15°
17° 16°
17° 16°
17° 14°
16° 13°
On this page you will find timetables of buses to Bari. Click on a link from the list to view the bus schedule in the selected direction.
On avarage, there are X bus connection per day in Bari 51 intercity buses. The first bus departs at 04:50 and the last one at 23:35. The cost of the ticket depends on the chosen direction and can range from 17.88 to 546.39 PLN.
Bus schedules for all 51 directions to Bari valid for 20.03.2025.